Saturday, June 6, 2015

Mossy Branch

"Mossy Branch" 6" x 8" sketchbook, watercolor paints 5-23-2015
Sitting at the picnic table at Camp Lane, this curving branch intrigued me, It curved up and forward towards me, hanging moss on the entire branch.

Watercolor Landscape

"Watercolor Landscape" 6" x 8" sketchbook, watercolor paints 5-23-2015
Just messing around with the paints, an imaginative landscape with a sunset sky. The dark green tree in the foreground was much darker in the wet, but dried lighter.


"Darlingtonia Californicus" 6" x 8" sketchbook, 5-23-15, pencil sketch, watercolor, Pigma pen.
I took photos at the Darlingtonia Nature Wayside, on Hwy 101, just North of Florance, Oregon. In May they are blooming, tall stalks a foot or two above the pitcher plants. The intricate red patterns on the bright green smooth bulb are high contrast. They have hanging yellow petals with a red pod in the center. The Darlingtonia are also called cobra plant and pitcher plant. They are in the family of meat eating plants, the bugs crawl into the opening at the bottom of the curved cup, fall in and are trapped. They are rare and found only in wet boggy areas. This preserve has a short trail, on built up wooden platforms, to keep you out of the bog.