Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Raven on Driftwood

Every Day Matters Challenge #90 - Draw something with wings. 6" x 8" drawing paper, pencil sketch, watercolor paints, Pigma pen. Aug. 27, 2012.
I drew this from a photograph I took on the beach, at the North jetty, Florence, Oregon. I always take dried bread for the seagulls, and throw it to the wind. The ravens would pick it up on a fly through, but the seagulls had to be in the sand. I don't know what he was picking up from the driftwood, but it wasn't my bread. It is always wonderful when I get to spend time at the coast with my husband Charlie. It is so refreshing, the salty breeze, the sound of the waves and the gulls, sinking my toes in the sand and walking along picking up bits of shell and agates. I can't wait to go back." I can see what I did wrong, now that is on the screen and I can compare the two pics. The ravens posture should have been bent down at the shoulder, so his head was lower. I have always had trouble drawing birds, they are not built the way I see them as being, it is my imaginary image of them that is off.

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