Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Rubber Stamps

"I have so many rubber stamps that I have picked up over the years from garage sales. I decided it was time to figure out what I had, and make a stamp of each, as a record. So I could find the stamps when I needed it, I would add the page to the appropriate shoe box. I started out well, all though each box was full to bursting. As I moved stamps around to fit better, I started to put them in other boxes and sort them into groups. Oops! I found another large shoebox. Now some serious resorting was needed, and things got all rearranged. I finally got everything to fit, with different boxes, and box lids for trays. Also a larger box was needed for the alphabets. These are my first prints, but needed to be redone as stamps got moved to different boxes. I realized my small journal pages were not going to be large enough for all the stamps. So I started using 8 1/2" x 11" computer paper. I ended up with 12 full pages, and that doesn't count the alphabets. I scanned them into the computer and enhanced the contrast and make the print darker. Now I have a folder with all the stamps to refer to when I might need one. Some of my favorites are the Lynn Porcella stamps with the face and butterflies. Also the little mouse with the heart that says hello, and the dragon flies."

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